A little more on CairoImagine a city of 22 million people, most of whom have a car - especially ancient Ladas or Fiats. Then imagine all those cars driving around the city and totally ignoring give way rules, traffic lights, stop signs, in-fact taking no notice of any road rule. Then imagine five lanes of cars all trying to get into a two lane road. Add in a few buses where people jump on and off while they are moving and pedestrians who just walk across the road as if nothing is there. One of the guides said that in Cairo you need three things to drive - good brakes, a good horn and good luck. Going in a taxi or car is a real experience - although no one seemed to get mad!
The whole effect is noisey, smelly, with a constant symphony of car horns and squeeling breaks.
Now a word from Katie -
"I thought the bazaars in Cairo were annoying because everyone wanted you to buy something but the good thing was that they started off with a high price then went down and down to your price. We went to the Great Pyramid of Giza and I went inside and it was really scary. I went camel riding and that was really fun."

Katie in the doorway of the mummification temple by the Sphinx.

Katie in Cairo - on the hotel balcony.

Street scene - bread seller on a bicycle.
We also visited some beautifull Mosques the girls and mum had to wear head scarves and we all removed our shoes.

Al hazir mosque

Katie and Libby

Street outside the Mosque.
Watch the next posting for our trip to Abu Simbal....